TIARA : Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area

Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area
Preparatory Phase

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WP1: Consortium management





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TIARA Committees

Governing Council

Steering Committee

Project Office

Coordination activities

WP3: R&D infrastructures

WP4: Joint R&D programming

Support activities

WP2: Governance

WP5: Education and Training

RTD activities

WP6: SVET R&D infrastructure

WP7: ICTF R&D infrastructure

WP8: HGA R&D infrastructure

WP9: TIHPAC R&D infrastructure

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FP6-FP7 accelerator R&D projects

EC FP7 calls and projects

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TIARA Steering Committee
CERN Salle B (in main building near the Council Room)
Tue, Jan. 11th 2011, 00:00


The main topic of this meeting is to structure the general organization of TIARA. In particular the objective is to review how the work is being organized and started within the Work Packages.


Expected attendees: TIARA WP leaders (and deputies as needed)



Expected Duration : 7 hours

Tentative schedule:

Start time : 10:00

End time : 17:00


The meeting will be held at CERN in Salle B. 

It is important to be present at the meeting. If a WP leader cannot be present, it is highly recommended to be represented by her/his deputy.  

In the case of strong impossibility for a WP leader (or deputy), a phone connection will be foreseen.


Draft Agenda


Start of meeting

10:00       Welcome (R. Aleksan)


10:05       Approval of agenda (All)


10:10       General information (R. Aleksan)

·         Grant Agreement

·         Funding issues

·         Project Office news (WP1)

·         Deliverables and milestones

·         Discussion (All)


10:40       Status report from WP coordinators

·         Technical WPs (10mn each)

o   WP6 (E. Jensen)

o   WP7 (K. Long)

o   WP8 (S. Gallo)

o   WP9 (S. Bousson)

·         Discussion (All)


12:30       Lunch


14:00       Status report from WP coordinators (cont’d)

·         Organizational WPs (10mn each)

o   WP2 (R. Aleksan)

o   WP3 (A. Unnervik)

o   WP4 (J.-P. Koutchouk)

o   WP5 (P. Burrows)

·         Discussion (All)


14:50       Documentation/Publication

·         Discussion (All)


15:10        Kickoff meeting (All)

·         Organization matters (Rooms, Web site, registration…)

·         Agenda


16:00        AOB

·         Next SC meeting



16:30     Adjourn

Contact : Roy ALEKSAN
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