TIARA : Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area

Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area
Preparatory Phase

Home page

General information


Accelerator R&D

Fields requiring acc. R&D

TIARA consortium

Participant institutes

Associated institutes

Official documents

EU documents

TIARA documents


Organizational structure

WP1: Consortium management





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Accelerators for Society


TIARA Committees

Governing Council

Steering Committee

Project Office

Coordination activities

WP3: R&D infrastructures

WP4: Joint R&D programming

Support activities

WP2: Governance

WP5: Education and Training

RTD activities

WP6: SVET R&D infrastructure

WP7: ICTF R&D infrastructure

WP8: HGA R&D infrastructure

WP9: TIHPAC R&D infrastructure

Useful links

Scientific Committees

FP6-FP7 accelerator R&D projects

EC FP7 calls and projects

Future accelerator projects

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TIARA Consortium

TIARA Consortium


The TIARA consortium is being established

The consortium is aiming at including partners with strong accelerators R&D activities and operating large R&D infrastructures. Besides, the participant institutes, which are contracting members of the Preparatory Phase proposal, associated institutes and industrial partners will have the opportunity to contribute to the Work Package activities.

The interactive map below shows the 11 participant institutes and the 20 European partners associated with TIARA. Moreover, the consortium includes Japanese and American institutes (See below).

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The TIARA consortium in Europe


Legend  : Participant institutes , European associated institutes





    Associated partners from Japan and USA


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