TIARA : Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area

Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area
Preparatory Phase

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Coordination activities

WP3: R&D infrastructures

WP4: Joint R&D programming

Support activities

WP2: Governance

WP5: Education and Training

RTD activities

WP6: SVET R&D infrastructure

WP7: ICTF R&D infrastructure

WP8: HGA R&D infrastructure

WP9: TIHPAC R&D infrastructure

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FP6-FP7 accelerator R&D projects

EC FP7 calls and projects

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WP3+WP4 parallel session (during mid-term meeting)
CIEMAT Madrid - Sala B
Tue, Jun. 12th 2012, 16:00

Expected attendees: WP3 and WP4 participants


See also TIARA mid-term meeting website


Tentative schedule:



On Tuesday 12 June

- Start time : 16:00

- End time : 18:30





16:00  Welcome (A Unnervik, P. Pierini)

16:05   Approval of agenda for Day 1, (All)

16:10   Discussion and agreement (All) on approach and work plan for the following items:

  1. The infrastructure need and resource comparison, which is covered by WP3.2 and which needs to be done in close interaction between WP3 and WP4, Interim report Milestone 11 (WP3), to be delivered 08/2012.
  2. Milestone 12 (for WP3) and Milestone 15 (for WP4), “presentation of proposals for joining the tiara distributed R&D infrastructure”, to be delivered 09/2012.
  3. How to handle the list of R&D infrastructures for which there appear to exist no appropriate KARAs.

18:30 Adjourn

Contact : ctanguy
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