TIARA : Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area

Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area
Preparatory Phase

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Accelerator R&D

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WP1: Consortium management





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TIARA Committees

Governing Council

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Coordination activities

WP3: R&D infrastructures

WP4: Joint R&D programming

Support activities

WP2: Governance

WP5: Education and Training

RTD activities

WP6: SVET R&D infrastructure

WP7: ICTF R&D infrastructure

WP8: HGA R&D infrastructure

WP9: TIHPAC R&D infrastructure

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Scientific Committees

FP6-FP7 accelerator R&D projects

EC FP7 calls and projects

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WP3 Meeting (CERN)
CERN room 60/2-023
Fri, Oct. 07th 2011, 10:30



  1. Welcome (A. Unnervik) .
  2. Approval of agenda (All).
  3. Time schedules (A. Unnervik)
  4. A short presentation by each participant covering the progress of the Infrastructure Survey (IS) carried out in his/her own institute (All).
  5. Common discussion and agreement on how to proceed with phase 2 of the IS (All).
  6. Common Discussion covering the preparation of the Interim Infrastructure Survey Report (All)
  7. Presentation of the Web-based  database (P. McIntosh, by phone)
  8. Relations with Industry (A. Unnervik)
  9. Presentation of “ AAI: Analysis of Access of Industry to Existing Infrastructure in Europe and other Regions” (L. Bordais)
  10. Presentation of “3.4.1 ICR: Identify the Critical Requirements and their Targets” (P. Pierini)
  11. Presentation of “3.5.1 DSSPT: Definition of the appropriate Structure for ensuring the Sustainability” (H. Mueller)
  12. Planning for future meetings. Next meeting is scheduled on 15 November at CERN  (All)
  13. AOB
Contact : ctanguy
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