TIARA : Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area

Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area
Preparatory Phase

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4-5 Dec. 2012: Workshop on superconducting technologies for next generation of accelerators  



The Workshop on Superconducting Technologies for Next Generation of Accelerators was organised by CERN, in collaboration with TIARA and HiLumi LHC European FP7 projects. The event took place at the Globe of Science and Innovation on 4th and 5th December, 2012.


The workshop is the first of a series of initiatives aiming at connecting research infrastructures, facing specific technical challenges, with potential commercial partners, fostering R&D collaborations and knowledge exchange.


Experienced researchers and leading companies in the field of superconductivity gathered at the Globe of Science and Innovation to explore the technical challenges emerging from the design of new accelerator machines and to match them with state-of-the-art industrial solutions. The programme focused on three main areas of expertise:

  • High and low field magnets
  • Superconducting cavities
  • Cryostats and superconducting links
>> All presentations are available on the event website.


https://indico.cern.ch/internalPage.py?p ...

ctanguy, 2012-12-21 00:00:00
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